Castelorddevelopment&WordPress themeAdvanced WordPress theme for the French real estate agency – CastelordAgence MPdevelopment&WordPress themeResponsive WordPress theme for the Agence MP – interactive agency.CSS & jQuery clickable mapsdesign&developmentPart of the 2011’s Winston Wolf’s quasi-blog WordPress theme dedicated my own CSS & jQuery clickable maps pluginWinston Wolf’s Bliplogdesign&developmentCustom theme of my own Winston Wolf’s microblog archive at the Blip.plStonkaart.comdesign&developmentShowcase of the products made in my own, smithy related business.Winston Wolf’s photoblogdesign&developmentMinimalist theme of my own photoblog.King’s School of English 1design&developmentThe first website of the King’s School of English 1 from Ostróda, Polande-nowysacz.pldesign&developmentPersonal website about history of my hometown – Nowy Sącz